Sun, July 30, 2017 * 9:00-4:00 * $75-$140
Happy Dog Ranch, Littleton, Colorado * Co-hosted by Rider Aware
For women only
>Please RSVP to Kathleen at * Checks payable to Kathleen June at the door.

Understanding and caring for your pelvis is key to your wellbeing.
- Have you heard about the importance of the pelvic floor, but aren’t exactly sure what it is or how to keep it strong and healthy?
- Do you ever complain about “stiff lower back” or “stuck hips”?
- Are you struggling to move fluidly with your horse?
Join us as we move, breathe and explore the pelvis!
- Learn about the bone, tissue and organ layers of the pelvis.
- Regard the relationship of your pelvic organs to gravity
- Strategize solutions and prevention for common pelvic issues we face as women
You will walk away with:
- A greater sense of connection to the root of your body
- An embodied and anatomically deepened understanding of your center and how it supports your entire structure and sense of self
- More awareness of how your pelvis can move more fluidly (yes, it can!) during work, play and with your horse.
MORNING SESSON: 9:00 – 12:00 – Limited to 20 * $75/ AM only
Discover how your pelvis works and how you are meant to move! For anyone interested in a more flexible pelvis and for riders seeking more responsiveness and balance. Indoor activities and exercises with Allison Benner.
AFTERNOON SESSION: 1:00 – 4:00 – Limited to 12 * $140/entire day (AM Session required)
Apply your morning experience to the back of a horse. Ride at a walk while Allison & Cindy Jones coach you on your pelvic movement for more responsive and balanced connection.
>Checks payable to Kathleen June, c/o Horse Hungry, 3383 W. Hayward Place, Denver, CO 80211

Allison Benner – Certified Rolfer, Posture Specialist & Yoga Instructor
Allison draws her body-centered approach to healing from her career as a Rolfer, yoga therapist, and posture and breath teacher. Allison utilizes hands-on manipulation, movement education, and an interactive relationship to support her clients on their path towards ease and integration in their bodies.
Cindy Jones – Balanced Riding Instructor, Rider Aware Founder
Cindy has been teaching riding for the past 25 years. She has studied with Sally Swift, founder of Centered RidingⓇ, and several of Sally’s senior Centered RidingⓇ instructors. Cindy emphasizes developing harmony and effectiveness through body awareness and riding posture. She is co-founder of Rider Aware Club, a monthly social and educational gathering which benefits Happy Dog Ranch.

Kathleen June, Facilitator, Horse Hungry Founder
Kathleen pairs her passion for horses with over 30 years of teaching, training and facilitating humans. She founded Horse Hungry at Happy Dog Ranch, where she now leads several Horse Hungry groups. Kathleen recruits and orients HDR volunteers via grooming and ranch work Meetups. She facilitates Mixers for horse-crazy women to meet like-minded friends and claim their passion for horses, and organizes Workshops on Come to Your Senses with Horses, Writers Inspired by Nature, and Horsemanship.